JC's Journeys - About Us

About JC’s Journeys

Created by Juan Carlos Aguirre, JC’s Journeys started as an idea to offer journeys in the Southern area of the Peninsula de Nicoya that could share more with travelers about Costa Rican culture and nature than a typical adventure activity may offer. Our goal is to provide environmentally and socially responsible tours that leave visitors with an enriched understanding of local culture and a greater appreciation for the biodiversity that makes the country so unique. We do our best to help visitors feel they have truly experienced Costa Rica, and have done so in a manner that is positive for both the environment and communities they visit.

About_JCsJourneysMeet the Guide

Juan Carlos “JC” Aguirre was raised in San Carlos near Arenal Volcano and has lived in the southern Nicoya Peninsula for over 13 years. He is an experienced tour professional with a genuine love of nature, Costa Rica, and sharing his knowledge with people from all around the world. JC is fluent in English and Spanish (and can accommodate German and French speakers too with a little help and patience from the native speakers). With over 10 years of experience in the tourism industry, JC is a licensed* tour guide by ICT (Instituto Costarricense de Turismo) with first aid training and extensive knowledge of the Nicoya Peninsula as well as other areas throughout the country. (Click here to hire)

Why Tour with JC’s Journeys?

Because we love to travel and explore, which means we know what it’s like to be in your shoes. Some of the best tours and experiences we’ve had are when a friend, an acquaintance, a local takes us around and shows us the real thing. To have coffee with a family, hear personal stories, or find the best non-touristy eating spot enhances the trip and helps us realize that traveling really is all about the journey. With this in mind, we strive to keep our tours flexible and friendly with the highest service so you get the most out of your time. Best of all, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that you’ve chosen tours that are considerate of the community and environment in which they operate.

*Lic. #1165 – Guia de Turismo Local